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- Trevor Baylis was born on 13 May 1937 to Cecil Archibald Walter Baylis, an engineer, and his wife, Gladys Jane Brown, an artist, in Kilburn, London.
Trevor Baylis lahir tanggal 13 Mei 1937 dari pasangan Cecil Archibald Walter Baylis dan Gladys Jane Brown di Kilburn, London. - Following his own experience of the difficulties faced by inventors, Baylis set up the Trevor Baylis Foundation to "promote the activity of Invention by encouraging and supporting Inventors and Engineers".
Setelah merasakan asam garam yang dihadapi para pencipta, Baylis mendirikan Trevor Baylis Foundation untuk "memperkenalkan aktivitas penciptaan dengan mendorong dan membantu para pencipta dan perekayasa". - This led to the formation of the company Trevor Baylis Brands PLC which provides inventors with professional partnership and services to enable them to establish the originality of their ideas, to patent or otherwise protect them, and to get their products to market.
Ia kemudian mendirikan Trevor Baylis Brands PLC, perusahaan yang memberi kemitraan dan jasa profesional agar para pencipta dapat memastikan keaslian ide-ide mereka, mematenkan atau melindunginya, dan memperkenalkan produknya ke pasaran.